₯ƒPart1„ Saijoki - The Mogami Chronicles -
Saijōki - The Mogami Chronicles,Part1


2.The Passing of Lord Yoshimori

3.The Slaying of Shirotori Juro

4.The Conquest of Sagae

5.The Surrender of Yatsunuma Castle

6.The Fall of Tendo Castle

7.The Battle of Mount Kashiwagi

8.The Death of Mitsukane

9.The Extraordinary Strength of Nobesawa Noto no Kami

10.The Fall of Kaneyama Castle

11.The Downfall of the Ignoble Lord

12.The Battle of Jugorigahara

2012/08/02 13:19:Εγ‹`Œυ—πŽjŠΩ

